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Corporate Affairs Services

Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria logo

We render Corporate Affairs Services, this services involve the services of Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) who is saddle with the responsibility of registering corporate bodies (companies) in Nigeria, We are Corporate Affairs Commission CAC accredited agents to carry on corporate affairs service.

Our service is divided into:

  •   Pre-incorporation Activities and 
  •   Post incorporation Activities


Pre-incorporation Activities begins from the moment a promoter conceived the idea of forming company in other to carry on business activities, promote religious activities, social activities, political activities or educational activities to when the organization is formally registered.

We assist in the selection of best suitable name for organization where no concrete name is in existing for the business, church mosque, club, association, foundation, school, hospital.

The Pre-incorporation Activities’ services includes:

  •   Name search
  •   Name reservation
  •   Business name registration
  •   Partnership registration
  •   Limited partnership registration
  •   Limited liability company registration

Name search: We do search of name for our client to advice the client whether such name is available on the register of corporate affairs commission or such name is vacant for new registration.

Name reservation: under this service, we reserve name for client and obtain reservation code for the reserved name, pending when the client would be ready for proper registration or for immediate registration.

Registration of Business/Company at this stage we ensure that a company is properly registered in the register of the corporate affairs commission with its legal name, we also ensure that the name of the proprietor, name of partners, name of promoters, name of director, name of secretary, name of shareholders, name of witnesses, name of deponent are well spelt, and that their particulars (data) are captured in a correct order and manners prescribed by the law (CAMA 2020).

Classes of company: company registration is classify into five classes, as set out by the corporate affairs commission in Nigeria as set out below:

  1. Business name registration (Enterprises)
  2. Partnership registration     (Partnership Enterprises)
  3. Limited partnership registration (Limited partnership)
  4. Limited liability company registration (Company)
  5. Incorporated Trustee (Churches, Mosques, Associations, Clubs, Foundations)

Contact us today, we take good care of it all for you.        
We are here for you, to give you the best services you deserved.        
We are here Prudential Professionals.

After the company registration, these corporate bodies are capable of carrying on business on its own legal name different from the name of the owner / owners or promoter / promoters.

Having done so, the company / organization is also capable to sue or being sued using its legal name. 


Our major services under the post incorporation activities includes but not limited to the following:

  •   We do “Alteration of memorandum” for clients
  •   We offer our clients timely “Annual returns” filing
  •   We assist our client in getting “Certified true copy /certificate extract” where your original CAC document(s) is lost, damage or burnt.

We assist companies to do:

  •   Change of company secretary
  •   Change of director
  •   Change in particulars of secretary
  •   Change in particulars of director
  •   Change in allotment of shares
  •   Change of name
  •   Change of registered address
  •   Conversion or reregistration enterprise to limited liability company
  •   Change of person with significant interest 
  •   Change in details information of person with significant control 
  •   Increase in issued share capital
  •   Reduction in issued share capital
  •   Transmission, transfer, surrender new allotment
  •   Request for letter of good standing
  •   Company search
  •   Status Report 
  •   Inactive company to Active company

Why you should let us to be in charge of your corporate affairs activities?

  •   We are tax expert, we know all other documents you need alongside your CAC document to enable you to operate freely and open a bank account, and we provide them all to you upon registration.
  •   You have free, unlimited access to our articles in law, accountancy, tax, audit, business development and financial advisory that is tailored to your interests.
  •   You have free, optional alerts about important changes.
  •   We work with you to avoid fines and penalties.
  •   We update our clients timely with relevance circulars information.

Benefits Of Registering Your Business With The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

  1. A registered business name with the CAC, can open a valid corporate account with the business name in any bank
  2. The certificate of incorporation is issued after registration, which indicates that such a business has been registered.
  3. It is obvious that the registration of a business is very important for a business's authenticity.
  4. Good reputation, and goodwill can be built in the legal name for generation to come. 
  5. Gain legal recognition in its legal name. 
  6. The business owner has a separate legal identity from the business itself this gives the owner separate legal protection.
  7. It is easier to secure loans from banks with a registered legal business name.
  8. The business owner will not be held personally liable or responsible for the liability arises from the business.
  9. Legal business documents facilitate the process sourcing fund externally. 
  10. This is because your company is seen as a legal entity and it can be tracked and accounted for. 
  11. It gives credibility and trust and ensures confidence.
  12. You can easily obtain a visa and travel to any country for business purposes,
  13. It helps your business remain relevant on the record of the corporate affairs commission.
  14. It gives your potential customers confidence that they are dealing with a reputable business,
  15. It gives the business owner an edge over other businesses that have not been registered and many others.


Prudential provides top corporate business services. 

Our bespoke professional services are highlighted in these categories:

  •   Accounting Services.
  •   Tax management services.
  •   Corporate Affairs Services.
  •   Audit and investigation Services.
  •   Financial and Business Management Services.
  •   Business Development and Advisory Services.  

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